Updates: December 24, 2024

Updates: December 24, 2024

Last Chance Sale Is Live!

Save 30% on items being discontinued from our site on 1/1!

Over the past few months, both Wearing Conscious (for clothing and clothing accessories) and Shop Conscious (for non-clothing conscious products) experienced unprecedented success. We are so excited and grateful for the wonderful response to our vision for a conscious marketplace.

During this time, however, we have decided to dial in on the standards surrounding our conscientious vision.

To that end, on January 1, 2025 we will discontinue selling:

  • Shop Conscious products sourced from China that we do not explicitly know to be of "Buy It for Life" quality
  • Shop Conscious products where we are unable to verify conscientious claims such as "eco-friendly" or "renewably sourced"
  • Wearing Conscious pieces sourced from CLOSO that do not meet our shipping expediency standards
  • Externally sourced designer pieces we cannot verify for authenticity

In addition, pieces in Cate's Closet will only be available seasonally, and may or may not return to our online marketplace.

Shop the Last Chance Sale now. Discount reflected in Cart.

New Arrivals Save 15%

As we orient our product selection to our standards and vision, we will be offering each month's new selections at a 15% discount to gauge community response and supplier scorecard.

After supplier issues in December, we are paying especially close attention to fulfillment, shipping times, and customer service with our new selections to assure each one merits long-term placement on our site.

If you see something you like, buy it and/ or leave us feedback! If you see something questionable, let us know that too! 

Calling Conscious Brands!

Do you have a conscientious brand you'd like to sell through Wearing Conscious or Shop Conscious? Send us a message at info@wearingconscious.com and tell us all about it! We would love to branch out to more independent and local brands.

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