February 2021 Gratitude Post
Taking steps back from social media over the past 2 months has been great for feeling like I'm not in a 'rat race'. But I am also reminded that social media can be a platform for good, too. In addition to sharing thoughts and ideas to further social consciousness, social media can be good for plain old social connections with friends and family. As pandemic restrictions drag on, staying in touch has really helped me through some tough times.
Happy birthday to my many my friends and family with birthdays this month!
1. Grateful for My Parents
My parents are both Febrarians, and I've been thinking about all the sacrifices they made for us. Being a parent is a tough job. I haven't seen Mom in nearly a full year thanks to COVID, but thankfully have been able to stay in contact. (Dad passed away in late 2009.) I can definitively say my parents were instrumental in shaping my identity as an activist and proponent of social consciousness.
2. Grateful for the Vaccines
Some out there may know that I once aspired to be a biomedical researcher. Whilst that was not the path for me to make my mark in the world after all, I appreciate the work and skill that goes into research and into finding cures and solutions. Now that people I love are starting to get vaccinated, it's a HUGE relief and a light at the end of this tunnel that's lasted so long and stressful. Like, finally the dust can start to settle and all the little things we took for granted will be back again one day: Live music, yoga classes, writers groups, indoor dining, office parties, networking events...
3. Grateful for Essential Workers
Whether you're on the front lines at a hospital (like my mom is), keeping us safe like police, fire and EMT, working at the grocery store, making sure mail and packages get delivered, keeping a restaurant or small business alive, or just coming into work every day to keep your family afloat: THANK YOU.
There is a lot we can and should be doing as a society to assure you're compensated for your risk, and definitely just expressing gratitude doesn't feel like enough to me. I am so very grateful.