January 2021 Gratitude Post - Wearing Conscious

January 2021 Gratitude Post

Like many people across the world, in April 2020 I was furloughed from a job I moved a large distance for and isolated from all family and friends in quarantine while people rushed the grocery stores. I found peace focusing on wellness, social consciousness, and mindfulness.

As part of this blog, I want to continue mindfulness with monthly Gratitude posts, to stay positive and focused and appreciate the good things in my life. If this sounds woo, it isn't: Harvard Medical School has shown there are many benefits of gratitude, including physical and emotional health, immune health, better sleep, self-esteem and better relationships with others. It's even been shown to improve job performance and productivity.

So here are 3 things I'm grateful for this month, and I encourage you to comment with your own gratitudes, too!

1. Grateful to Be Older

This is my birthday month, and on the surface that is rarely a joyous occasion for adults above 30. I'm grateful to have made it through another year around the sun. As my aunt once said, "Getting older beats the alternative."

The secret for being at one with it is that I am so grateful to be where I am now. When I look back, I have really come a long way.

2. Grateful for My Household

I moved to L.A. by myself a little over a year ago, and I moved into a 'co-living' space on purpose, since I wanted to meet new people and have a social life. Later, my partner and puppy joined me here.

Because of quarantine, I am so glad to have a household group to still have social interactions with in-person. We have all been very careful and have remained COVID-negative even while L.A. county remains a hotbed of infections. Our house holiday celebrations, dance parties, birthday shenanigans, TV nights, board games, brunches, BBQs etc. are so much fun and add light to what could have been a stressful time.

And yes, my puppy (@PupperzBuddha on Instagram) is a sweet and happy little member of the household and major bringer of joy.

3. Grateful for Technology

Technology is the reason I'm able to stay connected with people I care about who are far away. It's helping us as a society get vaccines, get packages and food delivered, clean the environment, and stay healthy. Through mediums like this blog, social media and video, it's helped me express myself and share socially conscious topics I'm passionate about. I'm able to continue working as a holistic marketing strategist for small businesses who are furthering socially conscious themselves.

What a time to be alive!

This post has been adapted in its entirety from the original Wearing Conscious website.
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